Understanding the Benefits of Florida Private Trials

business woman holding pen over documents with weight scale

Are you a litigant considering whether to participate in a private trial to resolve your dispute? While many people are familiar with binding arbitration but that’s just one of a handful of options a litigant has to reach a resolution. Under Florida Statutes Section 44.104, parties can also resolve a lawsuit by voluntarily participating in a private trial. Read on to learn about some of the most important benefits of Florida private trials!

Resolve Your Case Faster

It’s no secret that the court systems in most states are overrun with plenty of cases. The COVID-19 global pandemic has brought jury trials and many courthouses to a halt throughout the State of Florida.

It is currently unknown when courts will resume scheduling in-person trials and hearings. This can make all parties in a dispute anxious about the extended uncertainty in their respective case. 

A private civil trial allows both parties to resolve their case faster. That’s because you can schedule your trial with a judge at a specific date and time.

The private nature of these proceedings can be particularly helpful in cases involving partnership disputes or divorces. That’s because court documents and other testimony are not a matter of public record for others to see.

Save on Attorney’s Fees and Costs

The expedited nature of private trials can also help all parties save on attorney’s fees and costs while litigating a dispute.

When you forego the private trial option and go through the run of the mill civil case cycle, expenses can add up quickly. During discovery, attorneys will prepare paper discovery and conduct depositions which are time-consuming and costly.

By choosing a private trial and receiving a date certain with a  judge, you can move your case along so that you can seek to curb the attorney’s fees and costs you are paying in litigation. 

Receive an Enforceable Judgment

Like public trials, at the end of a private trial, a judge or jury will render a final decision in your case. For example, at the end of a trial about a breach of contract, the judge may decide that the other side breached the contract. The judge may also make a decision that you should receive damages as a result of the breach.

Once you have gotten the final decision from the judge, your attorney can petition the court to enter a final and enforceable judgment. Your counsel will seek to have your judgment entered and recorded in the same circuit where your private trial took place.

Wrapping Up: Consider Florida Private Trials

Florida private trials are an often overlooked way of resolving a lawsuit. This can be a valuable tool used to settle cases faster and cheaper for both parties.

At Boyer Law Firm, P.L., we are a dedicated group of experienced attorneys and staff. We represent individuals and businesses throughout Florida and in New York City. We are skillful litigators and strong advocates for our clients in court. 

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you with your next legal dispute!